Warranty Policy

Warranty Policy

Mininum order value from 1USD
One River’s Mininum order quantity is from 1PCS, and Mininum order value is from 1USD.we can not only save your money ,but also your time.
Short lead time  
Our lead time is from 2 to 5 days.Once you place order,our professional warehouse will prepare your parts ASAP,test parts, and ship by international express,like UPS,DHL,Fedex,TNT etc.After ship the parts,we will let you have tracking number.what is more, any update of your shipment,we will let you know ASAP.you will receive your parts safely,fastly.
Fast quotation
Fast quote within 12 hours We have a convenient inquiry system, you can just simply fill in your contact information and send inquiries to us, no matter it is 1pcs or bulk, we will reply you in 12 hours, let you know about the best price. One River online professional customer service staff will handle all inquiries and pricing issues, giving you face-to-face high quality services.
Full quality warranty
365 days full quality warranty to resolve your worries. our online after sales service team will help you to solve all your questions.
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