ARM CTO looks at architecture scaling for 2020 solutions

ARM CTO looks at architecture scaling for 2020 solutions

BRUSSELS – Anticipating the propagation of the Internet of things, Mike Muller, chief technology officer at ARM Ltd., discussed the needs for architecture scaling at the annual IMEC Technology Forum this week at the Square meeting center in Brussels, Belgium.

In his keynote, Muller compared the original ARM design of 1983 to that of today’s microprocessors. Major advances have been made regarding systems, hardware, operating systems and applications but he outlined the needs of architecture scaling for 2020 solutions from tiny embedded sensors through to cloud based servers which together enable the Internet of things.

Muller provided a quick overview of the PC, from the very start when it was a hobby to when it became “the” platform for computing. “Then, we saw the beginning of the mobile dawn and mobile voice with the transition to 32-bit microcontrollers, meaning the advent of clean architecture,” he said. (See below)

Source: ARM and Asymco
