HSA recruits Arteris, Sonics

HSA recruits Arteris, Sonics

LONDON – The Heterogeneous Systems Architecture (HSA) Foundation, a group formed by Advanced Micro Devices Inc. and ARM Holdings plc amongst others to advance technology for multicore processing, has recruited six new member companies.

The new recruits include two suppliers of network-on-chip intellectual property, Arteris Inc. and Sonics Inc. Other new recruits include software tool and library provider MulticoreWare Inc., image processing technology vendor Apical, R&D and product development specialist Symbio and graphics and GPU compute technology firm Vivante Corp., according to a statement released by the HSA Foundation.

Arteris (Sunnyvale, Calif.) is joining HSA as a supporter member and said it plans to be involved in numerous working groups. Sonics Inc. (Milpitas, Calif.) has said it is joining HSA as a contributor member. As a contributor member, Sonics will assist with research and development, participate in and contribute to the work groups.

The formation of the HSA was announced in June at the AMD Fusion Developer Summit. Founding members included AMD, ARM, Imagination, MediaTek and Texas Instruments. The goal of the group is to make processor IC programming easy in an era when different types of processor core are as plentiful as gates used to be on ICs.

"The heterogeneous processor SoC market is expanding rapidly and our industry is on the verge of making significant technical strides in multicore computing," said Charles Janac, president and CEO of Arteris, in a statement. He said Arteris will provide interconnect IP and system IP that provides information to allow the optimization of system performance.

"The next era of heterogeneous computing will be enabled by industry leaders coming together around a standards-based approach and programming model," said Greg Stoner, vice president and managing director of the HSA Foundation.

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