GSA appoints GlobalFoundries CEO to its board

GSA appoints GlobalFoundries CEO to its board

MANHASSET, NY --The Global Semiconductor Alliance has appointed Ajit Manocha, chief executive officer of GlobalFoundries to its board of directors. 

“It is my privilege to represent the foundry segment and to further GSA’s mission to promote collaboration throughout the semiconductor ecosystem,” said Manocha, in a statement.

Manocha was appointed chief executive officer of GlobalFoundries in October 2011.
“We are pleased to have GlobalFoundries represented on our Board and look forward to the insight Ajit Manocha’s participation will provide,” said Jodi Shelton, co-founder and president of GSA. “His leadership and expertise in representing the foundry industry ensures that we have a board that reflects the composition of the complete global supply chain.  His experience will help guide us to address the challenges within the supply chain.”

Manocha will be joining a distinguished list of directors from all providers of the semiconductor food chain, from design to procurement.